Thursday, August 31, 2006

Thursday Roundup

Quote of the Day

Q: What defense would prove his innocence to his worst critics?

A: For somebody to show how the body can make synthetic testosterone!! link

Julich ruminates to Abt at the IHT: "If we can't trust the labs, why are we doing this?"

Hamilton's purgatory continues; no Worlds, ProTour closed, from VeloNews.

DZ disappointed, says don't judge whole sport

Listeners speak, on the FredCast. [defined]

Don't take what you read at face value, says one time NCAA testing czar Gary Green, affiliated with the UCLA Olympic Analytical Lab. "All of the tests have become specialized and complicated in interpreting."

Landis Lies, Lies, Lies, at Digital Deception.

Discussion of PR and credibility, by Moffit-Smith

Petition mentioned and debated, at transformatum.

Numerous ongoing Arguments at Topix forums. This is where the most productive (or pointless) discussions seem to be happening. I'm getting shot, and shooting back.

[updated 18:29]