Friday, December 26, 2008

Winnowing Words - Introduction

When we decided to roll up the tent at the end of the month, we thought it would be good to have some final thoughts on the matter, and not just from us.

To that end, we've contacted a number of people from all sides of the discussion, and asked them if they had anything they'd like to say. Some said yes, some said no, some hoped to participate but found they could not, and some didn't answer in time for us to include. We regret the submissions fall towards one side of the debate. We did try to send a balanced set of invitations, but response is beyond our control.

In order to entice those who didn't want to make too big a commitment, we suggested "a few paragraphs" of perhaps 500 words, and if struggling for particular topics, we offered as suggestions:

  • Merits of the Landis case;
  • Conduct of the Landis case;
  • Coverage and discussion of the case;
  • Wisdom, merit and effectiveness of anti-doping as currently practiced
  • What could be done in anti-doping that might work better
Some people took these are marching orders, and others just wrote what they felt they wanted to address.

We're going to roll them out a few a day until the end of the year, when we hit the big red button. We hope you find them interesting -- we did.


sam veal said...

Dear TBV,
With your permission and probably some assistance, I would like to submit TBV to the Pulitzer Prize Board for consideration for the Pulitzer Prize in Investigative Journalism. After reading the qulifications for submissions, I note that the deadline for submissions is Feb 1 2009.
Please respond so I know that you received this.


Samuel Veal

Eightzero said...

OK, we're done here. The sidebar lists 12/21/08 as the end of TbV. That's the solstice, marking the return of the sun to the northern hemisphere.

Sincere thanks to everyone here. It has been...illuminating. But I'm going to miss this place.

[raises glass in toast to Floyd Landis, the 2006 TdF Champion] Hope to meet up with any and all of you on the road.

Richard Glover "eightzero" Seattle WA

DBrower said...

Whoops, fixed that. No sense rushing to the cliff.

DBrower said...

Sam,thanks. Flattery won't produce an extension.