Friday Roundup
Special Coverage

WADA Watch has been issuing a series of fascinating reports from the Madrid WADA conference that we just noticed -- because he mailed us, saying, "Apartheid means self-employed bloggers, and those Countries or Federations that haven't paid their annual dues, are relegated to a beautiful basement movie-theater-sized room,"
Richard Young, he of the Floyd Landis 'prosecution team', from the USA, is now addressing the room, about changes in the WADA Code.
I wonder which among us knew, that he had these two roles?
The VeloNews provides a podcast containing a report by correspondent Charles Pelkey who is attending the the 2007 WADA anti- doping summit in Madrid. previews tomorrow's El Tour de Tucson and Floyd Landis has been invited to attend as he did last year, though no word yet on whether he will. Someone who will be there is Greg LeMond, things could get interesting if both attend.
The Miami Herald notes that it was lying to Federal officials, and not cheating, that ultimately doomed Barry Bonds. The Baltimore Sun carries the nuts and bolts of the story with the obligatory Floyd Landis reference.
The CyclingNews, in its first update of the day, reports that fears of the weakened US dollar may hurt WADA labs in their quest for cutting edge anti-doping research, and Jaime Lissavetzky, the Spanish Secretary of State for Sport, wants more respect from Pat McQuaid. The CyclingNews now reports that Patrik Sinkewitz received a one years suspension from the UCI.
The CyclingNews Friday Mailbag is full of letters concerning the various doping stories in cycling from of the past week.
USA Today reports that Europeans at the WADA anti-doping summit in Madrid are asking Dick Pound to stay on temporarily as WADA president as they are not satisfied with sole candidate for the postion John Fahey. And in a related story WADA may be looking for commercial sponsorships to alleviate the drop in funding due to the weakened US dollar.
AFP updates an older story about AFLD wanting to make sure Landis doesn't sneak into the Tour despite a ban, if ASO runs it without UCI sanction. As if ASO would allow a team with Landis to start while banned.
A Bag full of Health and Politics wants to know why Barry Bonds, instead of Floyd Landis, is the one who may go to jail for perjury. He states categorically that Landis lied, how does he know that? Not to mention the fact that Landis never testified under to oath to a grand jury, if you lie that's how you get charged with perjury.
Midnight Marauder seems "legally confused" in thinking that Floyd Landis might be a "cell mate" to Barry Bonds.
Running Down a Dream says that after years of being disappointed by tainted athletic accomplishments we are jaded and Barry Bonds is just the latest name on that long list which includes Floyd Landis.
FanNation presents lines of defense for Bonds, including Hamilton's twin, and Floyd's "blame the French." Snark o' the day candidate.
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