Friday, October 26, 2007

Shameless Plea, Dept.

I have another blog dealing with a local political issue, but can't get anywhere in google searches. So, let me shamelessly beg readers with their own blogs to link to it in hopes of increasing the pagerank. You might even be amused with a quick glance.

Alamo (Un) Incorporated.



GMR said...


I need pictures of Alamo the unincorporated in order to form an opinion from afar.

I suppose I would prefer more restraint on builing read that as more control.

I recently sat in my own hometown Planning Commission meeting. The math skills were amazingly low by staff and comissioners.

Good luck!

Unknown said...

Have you seen this?

Addresses Floyd Landis and what benefits he may (or not) have gained from short term use of testosterone. Article addresses from the viewpoint of proven guilt.

Unknown said...


Interesting article.

DBrower said...

GMR, this is one kind of whimsy I appreciated and respect, but which I think might get stomped by the clipboard crowd at a town planning commision:

A man's home is his castle, really.

Alamo is a one-time ranchy/horsey backwater that has been moving towards a high-end suburb with large lots reflecting the historic 1/2 acre zoning. There are both tech/executive types and contractors/working people in the town, and one of the landmarks in downtown most will regret losing someday is the "Alamo hay and grain" drive-through. There's a serious libertarian hands-off mentality, with an emerging Soccer-mom social liberalism. Mrs. TBV and her family have been here since 1978, and have witnessed much of the change.


GMR said...


There are those who abide by code and those who won't. Alamo’s TJ Baker reminds me of Glendora’s Michael Clark Rubel.

Rubel Pharm - Every town needs a castle

Built on three acres with tin shacks and a 5 million gallon reservoir used by the lemon
packing factory for the citrus groves, Michael Clark Rubel and friends constructed a castle from river rocks, bottles, rail road ties, used lumber and recycled tools. He started in 1959 and it took 25 years to complete. It is now 7.5 stories high. Nothing is built to code. It is registered as a state historical museum filled with antiques: cannons, an 1890 Seth Thomas mechanical clock, steam engine, type setting machine, and a caboose.

I understand the desire to preserve the community look and feel having watched the remaining orange, lemon and avacado groves squeezed into homes and condos. However some rebels can never be roped into the norm.

There are some great pictures on the web

Ariel from above
In progress
On location