Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tuesday Roundup

The CyclingNews posts a short piece on a WADA symposium to be held in Sydney Australia on the "investigatory powers" of the organization:

World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) President, the Hon. John Fahey, and WADA's Director General David Howman will host a two-day symposium on the investigatory powers of anti-doping organizations this week in Sydney, Australia. The conference follows up on forums previously held in Colorado Springs in 2006 and in London in 2007. Invited participants will review draft information-sharing protocols with a view to finalizing them for the benefit of enhancing strategies to combat doping.

The NY Times
gets around to the T/E test and genetics research, and has a quote and picture from the ubiquitous Don Catlin. It's a good overview, even if they waited for a slow news day to run it. (We had it on Mar 21.)

Carlton Reid of QuickRelease.tv notes TBV's 1 million hits mark and says that his eyes have been opened to many injustices within the anti-doping hierarchy:
Whatever the rights and wrongs of cyclists who may or may not have doped, the Floyd Landis case opened a lot of people’s eyes - mine included - to the lynch-mob mentality and sometimes shoddy scientific method of the tax-funded anti-doping organizations.

Thanks for the nice obit Carlton! (We're not quite dead.)

Pete Sproul at The B Team tells his Whiskey story, coming in 2nd in the 25 proof Mens' open category. He actually finished third behind The Kid who was really 2nd in the 25 proof, except for the age split.


Eightzero said...

Maybe someone with an "in" can gently nudge a certain 2006 TdF Tour de France winner that we'd like to see more reports on his blog? Nothing there since 1/17/08, and others seems to be writing about his experiences. Sure would like to hear about it from Da Man Himself.

ms said...

Some Athletes’ Genes Help Outwit Doping Test

The 55 men in a drug doping study in Sweden were normal and healthy. And all agreed, for the sake of science, to be injected with testosterone and then undergo the standard urine test to screen for doping with the hormone.


Thomas A. Fine said...

The Times seems to have skipped half the story - that those with two of these genes are prone to false positives on the T/E test.
