Wednesday Roundup
Cyclingnews manages to cite yesterday's ESPN piece on Landis without the sometimes detectable negative slant.
On the other hand, the tech side of CN talks about power metering using Morzine as an example.
The Cyclingpost claims Landis is suffering not only financial problems, but mental illness as well. This is deduced from a single statement in yesterday's ESPN article, demonstrating amazing skill in psychological diagnosis. They also refer to ESPN as a "Spanish" station. So it goes.
The San Diego Union Tribune posts the Cliff's Notes version of yesterday's article as does The Philadelphia Inquirer.
The Tucson Citizen picks up an AP version of yesterday's VeloNews piece about the many disappointments of Chritian Prudhomme.
Bicycling's Boulder Report catches the ennui of the pace of the case. He thinks Landis may in a standoff and getting squeezed financially into starting a case before he's sure he has all the pieces he needs to start, and USADA could be playing to that, while posturing about the current system being perfectly fine. Joe Lindsay is tuned to several levels of the complexity of the case, and doesn't seem thrilled by what it says about the search for truth, and promises some more later.
Dugard wants us to guess who may be coming to dinner this wekeend in SD?:
There's a rumor that Floyd Landis will be attending this weekend's Endurance Sports Awards banquet down in San Diego. I hope so. There can be no other choice for Cyclist of the Year (no one else in the room will be able to claim that they won the 2006 Tour de France), but to actually hand him the trophy will be seen by some as an endorsement of drug use. There will be plenty of sponsors in the room, and the people at Competitor Magazine (the event's hosts) are notoriously gun-shy about making advertisers even the slightest bit uncomfortable. So I say that Floyd gets his bad self into the room and we see what happens. It would be nice for Competitor to take a stand, one way or the other.
USAToday's Sports Scope blog takes note of the ESPN piece yesterday, and includes a number of other relatively recent developments along with the following helpful blurb:
The blog Trust But Verify continues to compile a staggering number of Landis-related articles and offers a roundup of January milestones.
Biking Bis comments on losing FL as a competitor this year as well as all of the hearing delays that have caused that situation.
Through th3 Wall gives us Part3 of "Tales from Temecula", with pointers to route maps. And then she gives us part 4 with the lesson about NEVER having to be ashamed for needing just a little help (and a few laughs).
BolderInBoulder has not one but two tales of his own from that camp, and SimplyStu from raceAthlete had a great time in Temecula last week, and things only got better at dinner Friday night.
NashvilleCyclist talks about the impossible options faced by FL, and how costly any decision would be.
Velochimp expresses his disappointment that FL probably will not race this year:
The Landis case seems to highlight how broken the drug testing and enforcement process is at his point. Looking at cycling and the various newspaper reports, positive drug tests and unproven cases it just look like a mess.
BRILF gives us three good reasons to train with Powertap.
Steroid Nation summarizes an article about Don Catlin of the UCLA lab we hadn't seen.
Craig's Blog just trusts FL. He doesn't have scientific reasons, but he believes.
Swap Blog also notes that there will likely be no racing this year for Landis.
Steroid Nation runs excerpts of yesterday's Daily Peloton interview with USADA's Tygart.
DPF discusses the DP interview with Tygart, with folks arguing whether it was a 'softball' interview or not, and TBV is criticised for calling it that.
Thought for the Day
I don't like small birds. They hop around so merrily outside my window, looking so innocent. But I know that secretly, they're watching my every move and plotting to beat me over the head with a large steel pipe and take my shoe -jh-
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