Thursday, December 07, 2006

Thursday Roundup

PJ summarizes a long Landis piece in Velonews' print edition. Tygart is tarring Landis with the Hamilton case brush, and generally whining about the gag-rule USADA is under in his "anti-slideshow 2.0"

Matt Elliser of the notes Landis' status is up in the air, preventing participation in the Tour of California.

“We haven’t been approached by AEG or the organizers of the Amgen Tour at this point,” Henson said. “If an offer to be a ceremonial starter position were to be made ... I’m sure he would be very happy to receive such an invitation.”

Mr. Pound's book is skeptically reviewed at the Sports Journalists' Association.
In many chapters of this memoir, opinions replace facts, although no doubt scholarly quotes and referencing will propel the book’s contents into established hearsay.

Yahoo reports Landis was the top sports search in July,

At DPF, Duckstrap summarizes some of his current opinions in Landis' favor. His key points about the way the tests were done and interpreted:
  • 5 or 6 times they did not definitively show a that they had identified the proper peaks in their chromatograms, as required according to the rules under which they operate
  • 4 of 5 times they have done a biased and misleading calibration that underestimates the amount of epitestosterone in the athletes sample, incorrectly inflating their measured TE ratio (I’m only starting to get my arms around you3’s calibration issue, but I don’t think this is a small issue).
  • Twice, they have performed an IRMS test that shows that Floyd could be among the 1 to 8% of people who, by virtue of breathing, have two of the four required steroid metabolites fail their test, or he could have taken supplementary testosterone. Assuming that 1% of the peloton could have been caught for doping with testosterone, the chance of his being in the doping camp between 13% and 50%. If fewer than 1% of the peloton actually dopes then the probability of that LNDD have got a normal person is much higher.

Dugard thinks the Tour of California route is boring, too short, and at the wrong time of year.

SciFiTwin has a lot to say about the ToC, Landis and USADA, with more punchy stuff than I should quote, so go read.

Rant thinks about the arbitrators, and hopes they don't turn our like Scalia.

Anthony's unfavorable blog entry has accuracy and insight matched by his color scheme.

Nashville Cyclist points to Bikin' Dirty video, laments what might have been.

7thgroove connects itself to $4500 jersey auction. They also designed



Anonymous said...

I wonder how ToC will handle Landis overall. They certainly can't ignore their inaugural winner all together. Color me interested.

Also, was Duggard's timeline accurate? March? Really?

daniel m (a/k/a Rant) said...


Duggard's timeline may be accurate, but as far as I've heard, the Landis camp has yet to be told when the hearing will be held.

- Rant

Anonymous said...

Your website can do without Anthonys bog, it degrades your efforts.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dan. Sometimes it feels like Landis' team will get the fax informing them of the date a week after the hearing.

DBrower said...


The existence of sites such as Anthony's presents data that should not be ignored. This one also meets my "funny" criterion (see sidebar) because of the color scheme.


Anonymous said...

Not really new, but nevertheless a 3-minute Floyd Landis Story on YouTube .. "before things got complicated" as you say:

Anonymous said...

That blog entry fried both my eyes and brain.

I hope that's some kind of satirical piece. If not, may God have mercy on his poor soul.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of having Floyd as a starter. Surely, they see the advantage to having him at the Tour if even in a ceriamonial (sp!) capacity. My God, Basso's racing with Discovery, I think Floyd can be at the Tour of Cal. without causing an international incident in cycling! It's a US race anyway, Europe will just pooh-pooh least til we get really good at this stage racing stuff!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I just read Anthony. My goodness, I almost couldn't read his 16yr old profanity and very poor writing skills for that ORANGE_RED background. My God. Don't they teach these kids how to write in high school anymore? BTW, I have a 17yr old nephew, he doesn't use that language when I'm around, slips a bit when fighting with his Mom. But, I can see it when it's just his friends. Were you surprised he had no comments?

Anonymous said...

Anthony's post was in English? I'll have to go back and read it again.

Anonymous said...

Further evidence that ungramatical writing in no indication the writer is not a native speaker of the language; hence the alleged ungramatical French in the leaked emails is no proof that they are fakes.