Monday, May 14, 2007

Hearing - Monday, Shackleton Concludes

Shackleton continues under cross-examination by Maurice Suh after lunch.


Q: What factors might come into analysis?

A: two , mumbled.

Q: Did you look into the factors?

Q: How much time preparing

A: 9 total, 5-6 hours reading briefs.

No more questions


Exhibit 40, USADA 1241-1245

Q: Study of 5 subjects involving a single injection of testosterone. Look at the graphs. Mr. Jacobs was asking about one of the diols to go down while the other diol was going up. Do any of these reflect on that question?

A: Look at subject 5 on days 3 and 4, the 5b - pdiol is going more neg, while the other is going the other way.

Q: Also look at subject ?

A: Same thing on day 3 or 4 and on day 9 or 10.

Q: Exhibit 107. If another dose of the same substance, or another of a different substance, taken between Jul 14 and Jul 18, would that affect these results.

A: Yes.

Q: How about between the 18th and 20th?

A: Yes.

Q: Would it matter when in either of these periods when the substances were taken how it would impact the chart?

A: Yes, it would make a difference.


Q: USADA 1241, understanding the study. Gave an injection, one time, then collected urine on daily basis, and ran IRMS.

A: Yes.

Q: Did you measure the concentrations of testosterone?

A: No. We did T/E. USADA 1247

Q: Are the concentrations here?

A: No.

Q: Did the T level rise?

A: Don't know.

Q: Would you expect it to rise?

A: Depending on the metabolization rate, yes. Even after a hefty dose, even in the ratio, only in some individuals is there a marked increase.

Q: Subject 5. Is that an example of ratios going in opposite directions.

A: Yes.

Q: This difference within your margin of error, isn't it?

A: Yes.

Q: You didn't look at 5a in this study did you?

A: No.

Dr. Shackleton excused.


Tyson said...

Q: You didn't look at in this study did you?

A: No.

Well. That about sums it up, eh?