Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday Roundup

The San Francisco Chronicle posts a column that comments on everything from the NFL holding the Superbowl in London, to a mock ceremony with Floyd Landis handing over the 2006 maillot jaune to Oscar Pereiro. writes about an Alaskan mountain biker who may be considering turning pro, and the description of his tenacity and strength is reminiscent of another mountain biker who went to the roads a long time ago.

The Denver Post provides an interesting piece today about athletes over 40 who continue to stay strong and competitive, including Dave Wiens who beat Floyd Landis in this year's Leadville100.

The CyclingNews reports that Spanish Secretary for Sport Jaime Lissavetsky is pleased with the Spanish Civil Guard's handling of Operation Puerto, but that the courts will have to sort out what will be the ultimate result of the investigation:

Commenting on the judicial process, Lissavetzky explained that the judge who authorized the OperaciĆ³n Puerto had discontinued the affair based on the uncertainty of whether or not there was a crime against public health; the current law was not yet developed and the criminal code did not include a doping offense. Appeals have been made by the UCI and the World Anti-Doping Agency to re-open the affair.

ESPN publishes a story about an Olympic committee panel discussion attended by those who fight against doping, such as Travis Tygart of USADA, as well as those who have been affected by its consequences. Just one of the topics was what to do with the names and sports records of those who took steroids and were discovered in the files of the providers. One of the participants was Don Hooton whose son committed suicide after he ceased taking steroids:

"When we're talking about whether someone should have an asterisk by his record or not, we're missing the point," Hooton said. "We ought to be talking about how many years in the penitentiary some of these boys could be spending if they use this stuff. We need to quickly get into that discussion and see that the discussion starts changing in texture."

A Herald Sun columnist claims that Floyd Landis has put money and self interest ahead of winning fair and square. Ask Floyd where all that money and fame are now after his proclamations of innocence, as opposed to just fading quietly into the background and keeping what he had acquired already.

Rant has decided that it's probably a good thing that we saw Jean-Francois Lamour's true colors when he walked away from the competition for WADA president.


Unknown said...

The DEA agent running the investigation reported on ESPN is scary. He wants to turn the name of suspected athletes over to the USADA?

The DEA has done a good job shutting down the suppliers. Why do they want to ruin the image of athletes?

I personally don't care who was using. I'd rather not know - ESPECIALLY THEY NEVER TESTED POSITIVE - and let them live their lives in peace. They don't need their reputations ruined.

If this happens, how many athletes will be falsely accused because their name is on a piece of paper? Obviously, the DEA hasn't learned anything from OP!!